
Hello readers, friends, and fellow creativity enthusiasts!
I believe that every individual sees the world at a slightly different angle. Which means that no two descriptions of an experience will ever be the same. So, this blog serves not only as an archive for my art, but a way for me to express how I see the world. Just as a kaleidoscope reflects a colorful, new image when you look through it, I hope that my view of the world offers light and a new way to look at life. These are my creations.

Desirae Lee was raised in Jacksonville, FL and is a second year 
student at the University of Florida.  She is majoring in journalism 
with a specialization in photojournalism and minoring in innovation
Her passions include writing, poetry, spoken word, photography, and 
fashion. Desirae aspires to travel the world, own a business, and 
sprinkle stardust everywhere she goes!







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